Sunday, January 21, 2007

Double rubble, toil and trouble; Fire burn and ...

This rubble was produced in the test that has gained notariety as RUN 9573. It is briefly described in the entry of January 20, 2007. This was a 7 by 7 assembly of Zircaloy clad electric heaters that simulated nuclear reactor fuel under accident conditions. The assembly was heated to greater than 2200 degrees Farenheit and then quenched with cooling water. At the high temperatures the Zircaloy chemically reacted with the cooling water and that produced even higher temperatures. The severe reactions that led to the rubble also produced the fused clinker in the upper photograph. This clinker was lifted from the center of the assembly during the post test examinations. In the lower photograph note the white heater section where the Zircaloy sheath was completely removed by the intense chemical reactions at the very high temperatures.

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